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30 Jahre Henschel Quartett – Freda Swain UA


Duration:115 minutes, including a 20-minute interval
Venue: Orford Church, Front Street, Orford, Woodbridge IP12 2LN

The Henschel Quartet marks the 30th anniversary of its first Aldeburgh appearance, celebrating with two Beethoven quartets alongside Freda Swain’s “Norfolk” Quartet.

Beethoven:String Quartet No.1 in F, Op.18 No.1 (28’)
Swain:String Quartet No.1 in E minor, “Norfolk” (25’)
Beethoven:String Quartet No.9 in C, Op.59 No.3 (34’)

Henschel Quartet

Christoph Henschel violin
Daniel Bell violin
Monika Henschel
Mathias Beyer-Karlshoj cello

Beethoven’s mastery was clear even in his First Quartet, with its verve, wit and harmonic exploration. The much later Ninth, nicknamed “Eroica” because of its inspiring Finale, shows the expansion of his world of dissonance and intensity of colour. The two are complemented and contrasted by a rare opportunity to hear the English composer-pianist Freda Swain’s “Norfolk” Quartet – a work of beauty and energy.

Ort Orford, Woodbridge, Orford Church